What Is 100% Mortgage Refinancing?

Take advantage of high LTV refinancing and zero-down-payment opportunities with 100% financing mortgages. Now you can compare over 100 mortgage programs like affordable home refinancing, VA refinance loans and FHA streamlines with refinancing lenders ready to help homeowners get lower rates to avoid foreclosure.

100% Financing Mortgages

The traditional FHA refinancing is available to 96.5%, but the FHA short refinance enables borrowers to refinance above 100% with a principal reduction as well.

See High LTV Refinance Programs and 100% Mortgage Financing

VA refinancing is the one of the only 100% refinance loan left. You need to work with lenders that give their borrowers a one hundred percent effort by providing high LTV refinancing with 100% LTV mortgages and home equity loans for when you need to borrow up to the value of your home for cash out and debt consolidation options. The “100 mortgage” sponsored by Freddie Mac has now been upgraded by the Biden Administration and now there is no loan to value limitations refinancing for qualified borrowers.

How Much Do You Want to Borrow?


See Lenders for Terms and Conditions

A few lenders and brokers are still offering underwater refinance option but only for a select group of homeowners. The HARP refinance has lifted the loan to value calculation from their qualification list of requirements. Compare no equity refinancing quotes now while rates have fallen to the lowest point in decades.

Get More Info on 100% Refinance Loan That Do Not Require Equity

Having Trouble Qualifying for a Fixed Refinance Mortgage? BD Nationwide posts info all the time about 100% LTV mortgage solutions for all types of borrowers. Our lenders compare over 100 refinance programs nationally in an effort to maximize the best rates to meet your financing needs.

There is no need to get behind on your monthly payments if you qualify for mortgage refinancing. In most cases, the modification process will hinder a borrower’s credit score long-term. You should verify with several credible mortgage refinancing lenders that you do not qualify for a traditional loan before seeking relief with a modification.

Do not pay up-front fees for modification services and consult with an attorney if you are seriously considering foreclosure prevention services.

When Is the Best Time to Refinance a Mortgage with No Equity?

Choosing the perfect timing in the market can be challenging, but if the current refinancing rates have reached historic lows, opting for a fixed-rate mortgage refinance seems like a prudent decision. Naturally, factors such as Loan to Value (LTV), debt-to-income ratio (DTI), and credit scores are taken into account during the underwriting process.

How to Refinance a Mortgage to 100%

1. Get Organized: Start by gathering your existing loan statements
(note, mortgage statement, etc.)

2. Secure Copies of Your Current Income Documentation: Get your financial info ready
(ie. Pay-stubs, W2s and tax returns)

3. Do Your Homework: It is prudent to shop Mortgage Refinancing Lenders and compare multiple offers from competitive loan companies online.

See Loan Options from Top Lenders

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Home Purchase
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Find Companies that Specialize in 100% Financing Mortgages for All Types of Borrowers

Government Sponsored Refinancing: Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae just announce that the 3.0 HARP mortgage refinance can exceed 100%. There is no longer any loan to value restrictions with the Home Affordable Refinance Program that has also been endorsed by the President and the Congress. Most people would agree that 100% refinance loans are great, but with the HARP 3.0, you can go to 200%, 300% or beyond because there is no longer any loan to value requirement. The HARP refinance will not last forever as the program is set to expire at the end of 2024 unless Congress passes a bill to extend this opportunity beyond.

Having Trouble Qualifying for a Fixed Refinance or Loan Modifications?

BD Nationwide can help you find brokers to inquiry with in regard to 100% financing mortgages with solutions for all types of borrowers. Our lenders compare over 100 refinancing programs nationally in an effort to maximize the best rates to meet your financing needs. If you are interested in a loan modification, check with your existing mortgage lien holder an attorney before signing any paperwork.

Get Approved Even with No Equity on a Fixed 100% Refinance Loan

Since we can connect you with lenders that have well over 100 mortgage options for homeowners seeking affordable refinancing, you know that you are in good hands with our lending partners. Due to secondary market conditions, the 110% 1st mortgage has been put on hold until to market conditions improve. VA mortgage refinancing has become popular with military veterans seeking 100% refinancing. FHA still allows rate and term refinancing to 96.5% and cash out options to 85%. In most cases, the FHA and VA streamline does not require a formal appraisal, so underwater consumers may still qualify for 100% refinance with no equity.

Can I Refinance My Mortgage with VA up to 100%?

Never before have borrowers been able to refinance their mortgages to one hundred percent with one loan in first position. The VA refinance allows veterans to refinance 100% of the existing VA mortgage and 90% if they want cash out. VA streamline refinancing does not even require an appraisal and VA rates are very low!

FHA mortgage refinancing allows borrowers to refinance any conventional mortgage to 97% and if they need money financed in the new loans, FHA will accept home refinancing to 95%. The USDA loan is a zero-down mortgage that was designed for borrowers looking to refinance a home in a rural area. These government options provide several no equity mortgage refinance solutions for a wide range of borrowers.

Check with our mortgage refinancing lenders to verify you meet the eligibility requirements for a government loan. There are still over 100 home refinance options for people with no equity seeking a lower interest rate and monthly payment. Learn More About the VA Refinance Loan.

What are the Requirements to Qualify for the Streamline Refinance Mortgage?

Do you have a VA loan and want to refinance it to today’s rock bottom rates? The VA has what is called the VA Streamline Refinance that can make it much easier for you to refinance your loan. Keep reading to learn more about the 100% refinance mortgage requirements.

What Is the VA Streamline Refinance?
VA loans are designed specifically for active military or military veterans. VA loans may be issued by any mortgage lender that is approved by the VA. All VA loans are backed by the federal government. What this means for you the borrower is that loan qualification rules are very flexible, and you can usually get a loan with 100% financing.

The VA Streamline Refinance program is available through the VA Loan Guaranty program. It is technically known as an Interest Rate Reduction Refinance Loan or IRRRL. Generally, virtually all active duty or honorably discharged veterans are eligible to get a VA loan or a VA Streamline Refinance loan.

The streamline refinance program allows you to refinance your current interest rate to a lower rate. As of October 2019, you can often find rates under 4% if you qualify, so refinancing can save you hundreds of dollars per month in some cases.

The streamline refinance is popular because it can save you money, and also because it is easy to qualify for. In fact, once you already were approved for your original VA loan, it is very easy to move into a streamline refinance loan. Little documentation is needed. You will still need to prove that you have the income to pay the loan each month, but little is needed beyond that.

For most cases, your lender should be able to close your loan in a month or less.

Your closing costs can be rolled into the loan balance, so you may be able to refinance without any out of pocket costs. You also may request that the lender pay the closing costs, in exchange for charging you a higher interest rate.

VA Streamline Requirements for a 100% LTV Mortgage
Qualifying for this loan is pretty easy, but you do need to meet these guidelines:

  • Be current on your first mortgage with no more than one 30 day late payment in the last 12 months.
  • Your new monthly payment for the refinance loan must be lower than your current payment. The only exception is when you refinance an adjustable mortgage into a fixed rate mortgage.
  • You cannot receive any cash from the streamline refinance
  • You must show that you have been occupying the property that you are refinancing
  • You must have used your VA loan eligibility on the home that you are refinancing

One of the many benefits of this website as gaining access to such a wide variety of refinance opportunities from the vast and diverse lending network that we connect borrowers with at no charge.

The recent sub-prime melt-down has dramatically affected home lending, but this is still a good time for high LTV home equity lending, because our underwriting departments still offer no equity products so homeowners can borrow more than their home is worth. If you presently have an adjustable rate first mortgage, we can help you combine and refinance your second mortgage together into one loan with a fixed rate amortization. Choose from 80, 90 and 100% 1st and 2nd-mortgage combination loans or the all in one refinance “100% mortgage”. The fact is that underwriting guidelines for high LTV mortgage refinancing are expanding with more opportunities for underwater borrowers to solve their financial problems.

FHA Offers Nearly 100% Financing Mortgages

Both the 96.5% LTV insured by FHA and the 100% loan guaranteed by the VA are unique government programs. The FHA programs provides borrowers with options to have mortgage insurance with or without your new mortgage loan. Private mortgage insurance is now tax deductible.

Refinancing a mortgage has never been offered at such a low interest rate with options that allow you to consolidate credit card debt while tapping additional funds for making home repairs or renovation.

Ask a friendly loan officer for more details about these amazing 100% refinance loans that are helping borrowers save thousands of dollars a year. Credit score requirements range from 640-800 depending upon disposable income, debt to income ratios and job stability.

FHA continues to offer one of the most popular 100% mortgages but you must already have a lien insured by the Federal Housing Administration to be eligible. Learn More about the Pros and Cons of the FHA Streamline Refinance.

96.5%: Combine your first and second mortgages together for one low payment.  Please keep in mind that mortgage guidelines have changed, but you can still borrow up to 96.5% of your homes’ current appraised value.

Choose from fixed or Hybrid ARM interest rates with fixed terms for 10, 15, 30 and 40 years.

  • Lower mortgage payments with No Equity Refinance Options
  • Refinance existing 1st or 2nd mortgage
  • Pay off revolving debt with your mortgage
  • Subordinate with 100% financing solutions
  • No closing costs like hard money equity loans 

Compare Fannie, Freddie, FHA, VA for 100% LTV Mortgages up to $725,000

See if You Can Lower Your Payments with 95-100% Fixed Rate Loan
Loan Amount
Current Loan Payments
New 100% Mortgage Payment*
Monthly Savings
* This is a sample of refinanced credit debt to and assumes interest rate for the
100 Mortgage Loan at 5% Fixed on a 30-year amortization schedule.

(APR is 5% on a rate and term VA 100% loan with no lending costs 3/1/20-10)


What are the High Loan-to-Value (LTV) Requirements?

The Home Affordable Refinance Program stands out as an appealing program for numerous homeowners due to its interest rates being as low as or even lower than standard mortgage refinance rates. Traditional refinance options typically necessitate 20% equity, making the program inaccessible for many homeowners with underwater mortgages.

Through the Home Affordable Refinance Program, homeowners with no equity or those in an underwater situation can secure the same rate as someone with equity. This is feasible because the federal government provides robust backing for the program, making it a secure mortgage loan option for lenders.

It’s worth noting that you are not obligated to use your original mortgage lender for an affordable home refinance. Shopping around is advisable, as different lenders offer varying rates for the same mortgage product. For those concerned about closing costs, the program allows wrapping these costs into the loan, with certain limitations.

Fannie Mae permits rolling up to 4% of the existing loan balance into closing costs, while Freddie Mac allows rolling in up to 4% or $5000, whichever is less. If closing costs exceed this limit, the borrower needs to cover the additional amount in cash.

Refinance with a 200% Mortgage (No LTV Minimums): At one time the HARP program allowed some lenders are offering loans up to 200% and beyond. Now, you can lower your monthly payments and reduce the interest rates of credit cards. If you don’t want to refinance your existing mortgage, this is a great option for people looking to escape an upside-down mortgage. The HARP, and 125 second mortgage products have been placed on hold at this time. Are you looking to refinance your HELOC with bad credit?

Explore Options to Secure the Best Rates for High Loan-to-Value (LTV) Loans and Mortgage Refinancing: Remember that the success of refinancing and obtaining the best loan terms hinges on your credit history and score. Just as purchasing a home for the first time relies on your financial situation and credit history, achieving 100% refinancing is contingent on the information revealed when a lender reviews your credit score.

At BD Nationwide, we believe in delivering accurate quotes for a no-equity mortgage refinance. We take pride in offering the best online rates based on your refinancing qualifications. Our team of professionals is here to address your financial queries.

We will guide you in determining which home loan or refinance programs align with your qualifications and assist in establishing the appropriate interest rate. Unlike many lenders who quote rates without assessing your credit, income, or evaluating your home’s equity, we prioritize providing comprehensive assistance.

Stay Informed with the Latest Insights from Competitive Lenders

Consider these five tips when exploring mortgage refinancing with no equity in your home:

  1. Ensure timely mortgage payments.
  2. Consult with a Realtor in your area to discuss comparable sales.
  3. Regularly check your credit score.
  4. Engage with a lender to discuss your eligibility for HARP (Home Affordable Refinance Program).
  5. Obtain several Good Faith Estimates from lenders experienced in refinancing high LTV mortgages.

While these tips may appear straightforward, they are crucial for successfully navigating an underwater finance situation. By maintaining timely payments and establishing a robust job history, coupled with discussions with multiple lenders and potential use of affordable home refinancing, obtaining a no-equity mortgage refinance, though somewhat challenging, is not impossible.